adopt advanced technique中文什么意思

发音:   用"adopt advanced technique"造句
  • adopt:    vt. 1.采用,采纳;正式通过。 ...
  • advanced:    adj. 1.前进的,先驱的;高等的 ...
  • technique:    n. 1.(专门)技术;(艺术上的) ...
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  1. It adopts advanced technique and managing strategy , search with great concentration and fabricate with delicate crafts
  2. Because of the technology gap , every country can adopt advanced techniques through the technical exchange and technological cooperation
  3. We have also engaged six high - grade technicians to work in our factory . our factory has got iso9001 quality system certificate our factory adopts advanced technique equipment
    主要产品包括钢索、变档器(微型车、农用车) 、汽车内饰件、摩托车保险杠产品等。
  4. We stick on the market direction , consider customer ' s benefits , promote the overall quantity management , emphasize systematic solutions , choose professional cooperators , adopt advanced technique in the world , develop and manufacture modern building materials
  5. We stick on the market direction , consider customer ' s benefits , promote the overall quantity management , emphasize systematic solutions , choose professional cooperators , adopt advanced technique in the world , develop and manufacture modern building materials which are economic , easy - using , efficient and environment - protecting


  1. adopt a strong attitude 什么意思
  2. adopt a suggestion 什么意思
  3. adopt a technique 什么意思
  4. adopt a wait and see attitude 什么意思
  5. adopt abdominal respiration method 什么意思
  6. adopt advanced techniques 什么意思
  7. adopt an idea 什么意思
  8. adopt an important measure 什么意思
  9. adopt an indifferent attitude 什么意思
  10. adopt an optimistic attitude toward life 什么意思


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